基于方面的情感分析非常重要和应用,因为它能够识别文本中讨论的所有方面。但是,基于方面的情感分析将是最有效的,除了确定文本中讨论的所有方面外,它还可以识别其极性。大多数以前的方法都使用管道方法,即,它们首先识别各个方面,然后识别极性。此类方法不适合实际应用,因为它们可以导致模型错误。因此,在这项研究中,我们提出了一个基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的多任务学习模型,该模型可以同时检测方面类别并检测方面类别的极性。单独创建模型可能不会提供最佳的预测,并导致诸如偏见和高方差之类的错误。为了减少这些错误并提高模型预测的效率,将几种称为合奏学习的模型组合在一起可以提供更好的结果。因此,本文的主要目的是创建一个基于多任务深度卷积神经网络合奏的模型,以增强波斯评论中的情感分析。我们使用电影域中的波斯语数据集评估了提出的方法。 jacquard索引和锤损失措施用于评估开发模型的性能。结果表明,这种新方法提高了波斯语中情感分析模型的效率。
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Adequate strategizing of agents behaviors is essential to solving cooperative MARL problems. One intuitively beneficial yet uncommon method in this domain is predicting agents future behaviors and planning accordingly. Leveraging this point, we propose a two-level hierarchical architecture that combines a novel information-theoretic objective with a trajectory prediction model to learn a strategy. To this end, we introduce a latent policy that learns two types of latent strategies: individual $z_A$, and relational $z_R$ using a modified Graph Attention Network module to extract interaction features. We encourage each agent to behave according to the strategy by conditioning its local $Q$ functions on $z_A$, and we further equip agents with a shared $Q$ function that conditions on $z_R$. Additionally, we introduce two regularizers to allow predicted trajectories to be accurate and rewarding. Empirical results on Google Research Football (GRF) and StarCraft (SC) II micromanagement tasks show that our method establishes a new state of the art being, to the best of our knowledge, the first MARL algorithm to solve all super hard SC II scenarios as well as the GRF full game with a win rate higher than $95\%$, thus outperforming all existing methods. Videos and brief overview of the methods and results are available at: https://sites.google.com/view/hier-strats-marl/home.
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The classification of sleep stages plays a crucial role in understanding and diagnosing sleep pathophysiology. Sleep stage scoring relies heavily on visual inspection by an expert that is time consuming and subjective procedure. Recently, deep learning neural network approaches have been leveraged to develop a generalized automated sleep staging and account for shifts in distributions that may be caused by inherent inter/intra-subject variability, heterogeneity across datasets, and different recording environments. However, these networks ignore the connections among brain regions, and disregard the sequential connections between temporally adjacent sleep epochs. To address these issues, this work proposes an adaptive product graph learning-based graph convolutional network, named ProductGraphSleepNet, for learning joint spatio-temporal graphs along with a bidirectional gated recurrent unit and a modified graph attention network to capture the attentive dynamics of sleep stage transitions. Evaluation on two public databases: the Montreal Archive of Sleep Studies (MASS) SS3; and the SleepEDF, which contain full night polysomnography recordings of 62 and 20 healthy subjects, respectively, demonstrates performance comparable to the state-of-the-art (Accuracy: 0.867;0.838, F1-score: 0.818;0.774 and Kappa: 0.802;0.775, on each database respectively). More importantly, the proposed network makes it possible for clinicians to comprehend and interpret the learned connectivity graphs for sleep stages.
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Graph Learning (GL) is at the core of inference and analysis of connections in data mining and machine learning (ML). By observing a dataset of graph signals, and considering specific assumptions, Graph Signal Processing (GSP) tools can provide practical constraints in the GL approach. One applicable constraint can infer a graph with desired frequency signatures, i.e., spectral templates. However, a severe computational burden is a challenging barrier, especially for inference from high-dimensional graph signals. To address this issue and in the case of the underlying graph having graph product structure, we propose learning product (high dimensional) graphs from product spectral templates with significantly reduced complexity rather than learning them directly from high-dimensional graph signals, which, to the best of our knowledge, has not been addressed in the related areas. In contrast to the rare current approaches, our approach can learn all types of product graphs (with more than two graphs) without knowing the type of graph products and has fewer parameters. Experimental results on both the synthetic and real-world data, i.e., brain signal analysis and multi-view object images, illustrate explainable and meaningful factor graphs supported by expert-related research, as well as outperforming the rare current restricted approaches.
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超声定位显微镜(ULM)是一种采用回声微泡(MB)定位的新兴技术,可对微循环进行精细样品和图像超声成像的衍射极限。常规的MB定位方法主要基于考虑MBS的特定点扩散函数(PSF),这导致由重叠MB,非平稳性PSF和谐波MB回波引起的信息丢失。因此,必须设计可以准确定位MB的方法,同时对MB非线性和扭曲MB PSF的MB浓度的变化有弹性。本文提出了一种基于变压器的MB本地化方法来解决此问题。我们采用了检测变压器(DETR)ARXIV:2005.12872,它是一种端到端对象识别方法,它使用基于集合的匈牙利损失和双方匹配来检测每个检测到的对象的唯一边界框。据作者所知,这是第一次将变形金刚用于MB本地化。为了评估拟议的策略,已经测试了使用转移学习原理检测MBS的预先培训的DETR网络的性能。我们已经在IEEE IUS Ultra-SR挑战组织者提供的随机选择的数据集的随机帧子集上进行了微调,然后使用交叉验证对其余进行测试。对于仿真数据集,本文支持基于变压器的解决方案以高精度为基础的MB本地化。
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我们引入了通过随机梯度下降(SGD)来解决鲁棒回归的数据结构,通过对概率与其规范成正比,即重要性采样成正比进行采样。尽管SGD广泛用于大规模机器学习,但由于均匀抽样的较高差异,它可能会经历缓慢的收敛速率而闻名。另一方面,重要性采样可以显着降低差异,但通常很难实施,因为计算采样概率需要对数据进行额外的通过,在这种情况下,可以使用标准梯度下降(GD)。在本文中,我们介绍了一种算法,该算法大约将$ d $ d $ d $ $ d $ d $的算法从$ n $行超过$ n $行的强大回归问题中的最佳重要性采样分布中进行采样。因此,我们的算法在使用sublinear空间时有效地运行了$ t $ t $ sgd,并具有重要的采样,并且只是对数据进行了一次通过。我们的技术还扩展到对二阶优化的重要性采样。
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自动驾驶汽车使用各种传感器和机器学习型号来预测周围道路使用者的行为。文献中的大多数机器学习模型都集中在定量误差指标上,例如均方根误差(RMSE),以学习和报告其模型的功能。对定量误差指标的关注倾向于忽略模型的更重要的行为方面,从而提出了这些模型是否真正预测类似人类行为的问题。因此,我们建议分析机器学习模型的输出,就像我们将在常规行为研究中分析人类数据一样。我们介绍定量指标,以证明在自然主义高速公路驾驶数据集中存在三种不同的行为现象:1)运动学依赖性谁通过合并点首次通过合并点2)巷道上的车道更改,可容纳坡道车辆3 )车辆通过高速公路上的车辆变化,以避免铅车冲突。然后,我们使用相同的指标分析了三个机器学习模型的行为。即使模型的RMSE值有所不同,所有模型都捕获了运动学依赖性的合并行为,但在不同程度上挣扎着捕获更细微的典型礼貌车道变更和高速公路车道的变化行为。此外,车道变化期间的碰撞厌恶分析表明,模型努力捕获人类驾驶的物理方面:在车辆之间留下足够的差距。因此,我们的分析强调了简单的定量指标不足,并且在分析人类驾驶预测的机器学习模型时需要更广泛的行为观点。
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预测流感病毒引起的住院治疗对于公共卫生计划至关重要,因此医院可以为大量患者做好准备。在流感季节中实时使用了许多预测方法,并提交给疾病预防控制中心进行公共交流。预测模型范围从机械模型和自动回归模型到机器学习模型。我们假设我们可以通过使用多个机械模型生成潜在的轨迹并使用机器学习来学习如何将这些轨迹结合到改进的预测中,从而改善预测。我们提出了一种树木合奏模型设计,该设计利用基线模型Sikjalpha的各个预测指标来提高其性能。每个预测因子都是通过更改一组超参数来生成的。我们将为Flusight Challenge(2022)部署的前瞻性预测与所有其他提交的方法进行了比较。我们的方法是完全自动化的,不需要任何手动调整。我们证明,基于森林的随机方法能够根据平均绝对误差,覆盖范围和加权间隔得分来改善单个预测因子的预测。我们的方法根据平均绝对误差和基于当前季节所有每周提交的平均值(2022)的平均值来优于所有其他模型。随机森林(通过对树木的分析)的解释能力使我们能够深入了解其如何改善单个预测因子。
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